The Scientific Case for God: Return of the God Hypothesis

RayCee the Artist
6 min readJan 3, 2025


Return of the God Hypothesis

Stephen Meyer’s Return of the God Hypothesis presents a meticulously constructed argument for the existence of an intelligent designer, which he equates with God. Meyer’s case is grounded in three major areas of scientific discovery: the universe’s origin, its fine-tuning for life, and the emergence of biological information.

These themes challenge materialist interpretations and propose that theism offers a more coherent and empirically grounded framework for understanding reality. By examining evidence across disciplines such as cosmology, physics, and biology, Meyer provides a comprehensive case that invites readers to consider the role of a transcendent intelligence in shaping the universe.

1. The Origin of the Universe: Evidence of a Beginning

Return of the God Hypothesis

One of Meyer’s core arguments involves the origin of the universe. Contemporary cosmology strongly supports the idea that the universe had a specific beginning, a conclusion that poses significant challenges to materialist conceptions of an eternal cosmos.

The Big Bang and Its Significance

The Big Bang theory, substantiated by Edwin Hubble’s observation of the universe’s expansion and the discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation, indicates that time, space, matter, and energy originated roughly 13.8 billion years ago. These discoveries not only reinforce the idea that the universe is not eternal but also raise profound philosophical questions about its ultimate cause. Meyer emphasizes the implications of this evidence: if the universe had a starting point, there must exist a cause external to the universe itself, one not bound by the constraints of time and space.

The Principle of Causality

Drawing on philosophical reasoning, Meyer argues that the cause of the universe must transcend space, time, and matter, as these dimensions came into being at the universe’s inception. This perspective aligns with classical theological views of God as a timeless, immaterial, and infinitely powerful creator. By critiquing alternative explanations, such as multiverse theories and quantum cosmology, Meyer highlights their inability to fully address the foundational question of why anything exists at all. He underscores that while speculative theories may attempt to bypass the need for a creator, they often lack empirical support.

2. The Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Life

Return of the God Hypothesis

The second key area Meyer explores is the extraordinary fine-tuning of the universe’s physical constants and initial conditions, which appear precisely calibrated to allow for the existence of life. Even minor deviations in these parameters would make life’s emergence and sustainability impossible. By examining the interplay of these constants, Meyer illustrates how they collectively point to intentional design.

Examples of Fine-Tuning

  • Gravitational Force: If gravity were even slightly stronger or weaker, the formation of stars, planets, and galaxies would be impossible, effectively eliminating the potential for life to exist.
  • Cosmological Constant: The energy density of space, or the cosmological constant, is fine-tuned to within one part in 10¹²⁰. Any variation would destabilize the universe, either causing it to expand too quickly or collapse upon itself.
  • Electromagnetic Force: The precise ratio of the electromagnetic force to gravity permits the formation of complex molecules essential for life, as it enables stable chemical bonding.

Design vs. Chance

Meyer argues that the improbability of such precise fine-tuning arising by chance is so astronomically small that it points to deliberate design. While some physicists invoke the multiverse hypothesis — proposing countless universes with varying parameters — Meyer critiques this idea for its speculative nature and lack of empirical support. He points out that the multiverse theory often multiplies explanatory entities without resolving the fundamental issue of how fine-tuning arose.

The multiverse theory itself requires a universe-generating mechanism capable of producing a vast array of universes with differing properties. Such a mechanism would, in turn, require fine-tuning to operate. This recursive need for fine-tuning only compounds the challenge of explaining the observed precision in our universe without invoking an intelligent designer.

Instead, Meyer contends that the fine-tuning of the universe is more plausibly explained as the intentional act of a designing intelligence, whose purpose is reflected in the intricate balance observed.

3. The Origin of Biological Information

Return of the God Hypothesis

The third pillar of Meyer’s argument focuses on the origin of biological information, particularly the digital code found in DNA. This information governs the construction of proteins, the molecular machinery essential for life, and represents one of the most challenging phenomena for materialist explanations to account for.

DNA as a Language of Life

Meyer likens DNA to a sophisticated software program, with nucleotide sequences encoding highly specific instructions. The four-character genetic alphabet — adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine — acts as a code directing biological processes. This analogy underscores the complexity and specificity inherent in the molecular structures that sustain life. The arrangement of these sequences is not only statistically improbable but also functionally significant, akin to a language designed to convey meaning.

Limitations of Materialistic Explanations

  • Chance: The probability of randomly assembling even a single functional protein is astronomically low, rendering this explanation inadequate.
  • Necessity: Physical and chemical laws alone cannot account for the specific sequencing required to produce functional proteins. For example, crystal formation illustrates how such laws generate predictable, repetitive patterns, which stand in stark contrast to the highly complex and precisely ordered arrangements observed in DNA.
  • Natural Selection: While natural selection explains minor adaptations in existing life, it cannot account for the origin of the first life or the genetic information it required. Without pre-existing information, the mechanism of natural selection cannot operate.

Intelligent Design as the Best Explanation

Meyer argues that the best explanation for the origin of biological information is an intelligent cause. He draws an analogy from human experience: complex systems containing high levels of information, such as computer code or written language, invariably originate from intelligent agents. Applying this reasoning to DNA, Meyer concludes that it reflects the work of a designing intelligence. This argument situates biological complexity within a broader framework of intentionality, where life’s intricate systems are viewed as evidence of purposeful creation.


Meyer’s Return of the God Hypothesis weaves together these three lines of evidence — the universe’s beginning, its fine-tuning, and the origin of biological information — to argue for the existence of God. He maintains that these scientific discoveries not only challenge the adequacy of materialist explanations but also affirm the coherence and explanatory power of the theistic worldview. By integrating modern scientific insights with philosophical reasoning, Meyer builds a case that goes beyond faith, offering a rational and empirically grounded basis for belief in a transcendent designer.

The significance of Meyer’s work lies in its interdisciplinary approach, drawing from physics, cosmology, and molecular biology to make a unified argument. By addressing the deepest questions about the universe’s origins, the nature of life, and the conditions that make existence possible, Meyer’s hypothesis provides a robust framework for understanding the role of intelligence in shaping reality. Far from being at odds with science, he contends, the God hypothesis offers the most comprehensive and satisfying explanation for the mysteries of existence.

Also, please be sure to read my article about the Rainbow Bridge Poem. The Rainbow Bridge Poem represents the transcendent, soul-deep kinship between humans and their beloved pets, as well as the hope of reuniting with them in an afterlife. ❤️ Rylee: Forever Loved and Forever in My Heart ❤️

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-RayCee the Artist



RayCee the Artist
RayCee the Artist

Written by RayCee the Artist

Creative | Curious Mind | Dog Lover 🐶 ❤️ Rylee: Forever Loved and Forever in My Heart ❤️