Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

RayCee the Artist
7 min readDec 15, 2024


Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

Do you ever find yourself feeling like you can’t trust anyone? Do you feel tired of the lies, betrayal, and disappointments that come with human interactions? If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone. Many people share the sentiment that human behavior can often be toxic and unreliable. For instance, you might have experienced a friend who promised to be there for you but vanished when you needed them most, or someone who lied to you just to get ahead. These kinds of experiences make it easy to lose faith in others.

The only people who are truly good are those who take care of animals and are genuinely concerned with their well-being. These individuals show compassion and kindness, proving that there is still goodness in some people, even if it’s rare.

In this article, I explain why people can be so disappointing — from lies to betrayal — and why animals, particularly dogs, are a much better alternative. You will understand why dogs are often considered humanity’s best friends, while people can often be a source of endless frustration, negative emotions, chronic stress, and so much anger.

Also, please be sure to read my article about the Rainbow Bridge Poem. The Rainbow Bridge poem represents the transcendent, soul-deep kinship between humans and their beloved pets, as well as the hope of reuniting with them in an afterlife. ❤️ Rylee: Forever Loved and Forever in My Heart ❤️

Why People Can Be Terrible

Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

1. People Lie

The truth is, people lie — a lot. From little white lies to major betrayals, dishonesty seems ingrained in human nature. Lies damage relationships, destroy trust, and leave emotional scars that are hard to heal. Whether it’s a friend who promised to keep your secret and spilled the beans or someone pretending to be something they’re not, lies are just one reason why people can be so infuriating.

2. People Steal

People are also known to steal, and we’re not just talking about material possessions. They steal ideas, time, emotions, and trust. Think about how many times you’ve poured your energy into a friendship or a relationship, only for the other person to leave you feeling used or taken advantage of. This kind of theft — emotional theft — can hurt even more than someone taking physical belongings.

3. People Cheat

Cheating is another trait that makes people hard to deal with. Whether it’s a partner being unfaithful, a friend betraying you for their own gain, or someone cheating to get ahead at work, it all points to a lack of loyalty and integrity. Cheating is a powerful indicator of how unreliable people can be. It shows the lengths people will go to for their own selfish interests.

4. People Backstab

Have you ever had a friend smile at you while secretly plotting against you? Backstabbing is all too common among people. It might happen at work, within families, or even among close friends. One minute someone is pretending to be supportive, and the next, they’re spreading rumors or using your weaknesses against you. This makes it hard to trust people.

5. Lack of Loyalty and Trust

The sad truth is, most people often lack loyalty. Many relationships seem to be transactional, built on what people can gain from one another. When things get tough, it’s not uncommon for people to abandon those they once claimed to care about. This lack of loyalty is the ultimate betrayal and leaves many wondering if there are any truly trustworthy humans left.

6. People Commit Crimes and Are Reckless

People often commit crimes and engage in reckless behavior that hurts others. Whether it’s theft, violence, or other criminal activities, people show time and again that they can be dangerous and harmful.

Recklessness is also a major problem — many people drive like maniacs, ignoring speed limits and basic road safety just to feel a thrill or look “cool.” This kind of behavior by these idiots puts everyone, including innocent people and animals, at risk. Unlike dogs, who have no concept of causing harm for the sake of excitement, people are often willing to endanger others just for their own selfish gains or enjoyment.

7. People Turn on You in a Heartbeat

One of the most disheartening aspects of human behavior is how quickly people can turn on you. One day, someone might be your closest friend, and the next, they treat you like a stranger or treat you like shit. This can happen for no apparent reason, leaving you confused and hurt. People can be fickle, easily influenced by others, or simply driven by their own changing interests. The lack of stability and loyalty in human relationships can make it incredibly difficult to trust anyone, especially when people seem ready to abandon you without warning. Unlike dogs, who remain steadfastly loyal, people often let us down just when we need them the most.

8. People Act Like Assholes to Feel Cool and Tough

Another frustrating aspect of human behavior is how people act like assholes just to feel cool or tough. This is especially true on the road, where people hide behind the safety of their cars. They cut others off, tailgate, honk aggressively, yell disrespectful shit out their window, and drive recklessly — all because they feel invincible behind the wheel. It’s similar to how cowards on the internet feel safe saying whatever they want in the comments section. When people are hidden behind a screen or protected by a car, they think they can get away with acting however they want. But face to face, they often act very differently because, at their core, they’re cowards. Dogs, on the other hand, are always genuine. They don’t need to pretend to be tough or act out to impress anyone.

Why Dogs Are Better Than People

Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

1. Dogs Are Loyal

Unlike people, dogs are inherently loyal. They form genuine bonds with their humans and remain by their side no matter what. Dogs don’t abandon you when times are tough, nor do they care about your status, wealth, or success. Unlike many people, who may change their behavior based on these factors, dogs remain consistent in their loyalty and affection. Their loyalty is unwavering and unconditional — qualities that are increasingly rare in people.

2. Dogs Never Lie or Betray

Dogs don’t lie. They don’t wear a fake smile while secretly planning to hurt you. What you see is what you get. Their emotions are genuine, and they express themselves without ulterior motives. When a dog wags its tail and looks up at you with those loving eyes, you can be sure that the love is real. Dogs never betray, and they don’t hurt us with deception the way people do.

3. Dogs Provide Unconditional Love

Dogs have a unique way of loving without judgment. They don’t care if you made a mistake at work or if you’re having a rough day. Dogs are happy just to be by your side. Their love is simple, pure, and non-judgmental. In a world where people are quick to judge and criticize, dogs offer the kind of support and affection that makes everything feel a little more manageable.

4. Dogs Never Backstab

Dogs are not manipulative. They don’t pretend to be your friend while planning to use you. They are genuine in every sense. The bond between a person and a dog is built on trust, and dogs will never break that trust. There are no hidden agendas with dogs — just companionship, loyalty, and love.

5. Dogs Make Life Better

The positive energy that dogs bring into our lives is irreplaceable. They make us laugh, comfort us when we’re sad, and offer companionship that people often fail to provide. Dogs have a remarkable way of sensing our emotions and being there for us when we need them most. They make life better just by being a part of it.

Conclusion: Dogs Over People, Any Day

If you find yourself feeling like you can’t trust people and are tired of the lies, betrayal, and disappointment, you’re not alone. The simple truth is, people can be awful, and it’s easy to feel like there’s no one truly trustworthy. On the other hand, dogs are the epitome of love, loyalty, and companionship. They don’t lie, cheat, or abandon us — they stay by our side through thick and thin. Dogs are amazing at improving physical and mental health, and causing people to feel positive emotions.

It’s no wonder that so many people feel like dogs are far better than humans. In a world full of dishonesty, betrayal, and selfishness, dogs stand out as a beacon of hope. They offer love and loyalty without question. They remind us that there is still pure love in the world, even if it’s not always coming from the people around us.

Remember, there’s always a dog somewhere ready to offer the kind of love and loyalty that people so often fail to provide. Dogs always provide healthy relationships and make life better.

Also, please be sure to read my article about the Rainbow Bridge Poem. The Rainbow Bridge Poem represents the transcendent, soul-deep kinship between humans and their beloved pets, as well as the hope of reuniting with them in an afterlife. ❤️ Rylee: Forever Loved and Forever in My Heart ❤️

-RayCee the Artist



RayCee the Artist
RayCee the Artist

Written by RayCee the Artist

Creative | Curious Mind | Dog Lover 🐶 ❤️ Rylee: Forever Loved and Forever in My Heart ❤️